Wednesday, November 28, 2001

Yeah, MUDding took up the better part of a couple weeks, I levelled up my Thief to 18. Takes forever when the whole game consists of text. Then I forked over $84 for Diablo Battlechest and I've been playing that for the passed couple days. Ph34r mah Lvl 41 Assassin. I got Return To Castle Wolfenstein last night, installed it this morning, skipped school and played that all day. Good fun. More computer related stuff, my 12x CD-Writer that I bought 3 weeks ago died 4 days ago. I was playing Lord of Destruction (Diablo 2 Expansion) and suddenly the CD-Writer stops reading the CD. The tray won't open up and windows wouldn't load. Took that back to Radio Shack, spent $14 and upgraded to a 16x10x40 CD-Writer. Easy to install and get working, this thing pumps out 650+MB CDs in 6 minutes, those are Data CDs though, I haven't tried making audio CDs. That's it for computer stuff, now prepare for my G33K Penis.

AMD Duron 751MHz
Gigabyte 7ZX Motherboard
256MB PC-133 SD-Ram
Sound Blaster X-Gamer Live! 5.1
15" Monitor 1024x768x32
15GB Hard-Drive

And after Christmas I can expect a larger hard-drive, more ram, a better monitor and possibly a GeForce 3 or Ti 500

Friday, November 23, 2001

I have a wang.

Just thought you'd like to know that.

Sunday, November 11, 2001

Hi and all that. I had a dream last night it included:
*My house beginning to burn down
*We all decide to go out to a party
*Come back and the house is almost all gone
*Fight the fire with... water
*Find woman in house
*We magically telleport back to the party, during the middle of it
*David Schwimmer is there and he's killing people with guns
*The kids there all go crazy-loco and start shooting people
*I'm left in the house with a few people but don't see them.
*Throw old tape-cassettes around to confuse the hostiles so I can run
*Seeing all blood and gore
*Hide in bathroom
*Hot blonde chick in bathroom
*Sex0riz3 hot blonde chick in bathroom
*Wake up

How's that for a kickass dream?
Oh yeah, I'm playing a MUD now. Multi-User Dungeon. It's the largest one on the internet, possible the largest MMORPG on the internet. Do you know what it's called?
Medievia and you can download the zMUD client Here. There's also a crack for the client (the game is free) that you can get from but be careful of those pr0n pop-ups. Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 06, 2001

17 year old me was dumb.
-27 year old me

Saturday, November 03, 2001

The fish I bought two weeks ago is dead; or almost there any way. I'm sure if I poke him, he'd swim around before going belly up again. Good thing about working in a pet store is the 40% discount I get on all items in the store. That's a cheap $0.55 goldfish withouth the discount. I don't know why he died, he's in a 10 gallon tank by himself and doesn't get over fed. I've seen him eat his food once (but only that one time) and if he's starved to death, it's his own damn stupid fault :-D
Alright, today was a good day. I got to visit my sister and found out she's moving to the city I live in. I figured since I was already in town, I may as well stop in at work, Sharla asked for my help so I got a 6 hour shift in today. Didn't get a break, though, but that's ok 'cause Subway is only a block away. Loaded Original Pizza subs own you! Come to think of it, that was the only thing I ate today.

More dumb stuff from a 17 year old version of myself that the 27 year old version my myself is not proud of.
-27 year old me

Sunday, October 28, 2001

Yesterday was pretty cool. I woke up and was getting ready to go to work at 1pm like Sharla told me to and she calls me. Now I don't have to go to work untl 2 so I've got an extra hour to just sit around and do absolutely nothing. 1:25 comes around and I figure I should eat or something because it's a 15 or 20 minute ride into town to the Pet Store. I left at 1:45 and got into the store just at 2pm. Sharla immediately had me cleaning mouse cages. I had to scoop shavings out of the cages and aquariums with mice in them and there was crap all in there. It was good fun.
Not to bore anybody with details, the rest of the night I was scraping algae out of tanks (I scraped about 13 of them) before I was informed that it was closing time. I thought Damn, time went by fast but probably only because I wasn't wearing a watch. So I'm giving birds and rodents their food and water for the night and these two girls show up. They (without permission) open the ferret cage behind me and take the ferret out. I didn't mind because these girls were cute, so I let them hold it while I was picking mouse doodoo and shavings out of the food in the cages.
The girls leave, I'm mopping floors and Sharla (the manager) asks me So, do you think you still want to work here? and I said Oh yeah. Sure so she said Good, here's your schedule and she began to laugh. Angela commented That's some way to hire somebody. So I got the job. I work 54 hours over the next two weeks at $8 and that is r0xoR.
Oh yeah, I found out from Angela that all the girls are older than me. Angela is 21 and she's the youngest, so go figure. The other girls are 22 to 25. The cutest of them all, Lisa, who I would have thought was 19 is actually 25, married and has two children. Damn. At least there's always one hot honey that comes into the store per day.

Saturday, October 27, 2001

I dunno how this thing works. I'll pretend that I'm Tycho over at Penny-Arcade with teh L33T rant that he always has in store.
Is this thing supposed to be a "Dear fricking Diary"? I've never had one of those, too girly, thus the name of this "diary" is B33R. If you don't know what that means, then get the hell out of my blog.
I applied for a job at a local pet store a couple weeks ago and got a phone call for an interview a week later, it went really good so the manager lady called me back and got me to come in today for a trial shift. I don't know if I get payed for it, but it was cool. The only staff at that store are all female and mostly my age, which makes that place the coolest place to be. There's two people who are older, the manager and her #1 assistant girl person. The girls are all hot, but I don't think Sharla (the manager) likes it or would like it if I ever got too involved or close to either of the other staff.
Anyway, I had fun today. I cleaned fish tanks, scooped dead fish out of the tanks. Got to meet all the hot co-workers. Played with reptiles and fish... however I don't think that every day is like that. Today was one of the more busy days (but not the busiest, I've been informed) and it went pretty smooth. Kinda sucks that I'm not being payed for it. Oh well, I go back tomorrow for another 4 hour shift... which reminds me, that's less than 12 hours of sleep and I need that time to *gasp* sleep. So screw you all, I'm going to bed.

How's that for my first post?

OK, after posting this thing to the web I get confronted by this ugly pink web page. wtf is up with that? There's got to be some option around here to let me fully customized this thing. I'm off, again.
