Saturday, May 07, 2011

While we were there, a certain lord was storming the shop.
While we were there, a certain lord was storming the shop.
Back from free comic book day with a good haul.
Back from free comic book day with a good haul.
Happy free comic book day, everyone! Do not forget to visit your local comic shop(s) today to pick from the selection of free comic books!!!

Friday, May 06, 2011

Tomorrow is the annual Free Comic Book Day. Plan your day accordingly.
GDMag just arrived with my mail. It's the one with the @werezompire / Zeboyd Games, and the @eyehookgames indie games postmortems.
Looking forward to catching up to my RSS feed today. And reading. And perhaps also working on SpaceFight!. #rest

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Listening to Pres. Obama give his statement but picturing Fred Armisen as Pres. Obama delivering said statement. Fred does Obama so well.
