Friday, March 28, 2003

Everything has significance

Janice, a girl across the hall from me in the dorms, just asked if I was going home this weekend. I told her "no", and she asked if my girlfriend was coming out here instead. "I don't know. She was supposed to, but I'm not sure now". Janice says, "Oh, undeclared. Well, just give her time, you've got a whole afternoon to work things out".

It's almost like she's a prophet, someone who can tell the future. I hope she's right.

First Timer

School sucks. You (school) take my time and attention, you stress me out over tests. Finals are coming up, and I've got homework due... and I freak out at my girlfriend because of you. She's the most important thing to me right now, I'm getting shit organized with her. School can be done at any time in my life, my girl only comes around once in a lifetime. I don't want to fuck it up with her, I want it to work.


Thursday, March 27, 2003

I really like my girlfriend

She's the greatest, and I feel as though I haven't been doing my part to make her feel like she's the greatest. So if you're reading this, sweetie, you are special.

Like two Tetris-L's

Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Book Store

While walking by the campus book store on my way to the cafeteria, I stopped to look at a display of books. I was there for only a minute, but in that time an old man, probably 60+ years of age, stopped by as well. He glanced over the books and said to me, "What, no porno?" and he walked off.


Tuesday, March 25, 2003

I had it in my head

But I've forgotten what I was going to write about :-/

Maybe another day
