Saturday, August 24, 2002

The day of the party

People are here now, and it's not even 4pm. Hooray for watching 40+ year olds sit around and drink alcamahol. Just so long as they don't block me in my own driveway... I might want to get out of here later. My GameCube is being played upstairs. Freaking $6+ for a 3 day game rental. I played the game, and it sucks; it's supposed to be a party game but it's no Dr Mario so I can't get the hang of it.

-Mindless rambling
In all seriousness

Yep, seriousness is the good and bad news. Well, not really bad as everything is a two way street. She likes me, and wants to see me again, and she asked me to phone her tonight. But, as for the seriousness: she likes me and she warned me that if we were to start dating each other, she takes it very seriously. I asked if "serious" means she is the jealous type who always wants to know where you are. She corrected me and says she's the kind of person who likes to spend time with her "other" as much as possible. After hearing that, I was trying to hide my enthusiasm but I think I came across as giggly.

The minor bad news is that I'll be living an hour and a half from her house when I start school. Though, that's the two way street analogy and she said that she can always drive as well. So we'll see how things go in the next week or two or even through all of September before things begin to happen.

I also talked to my best female friend, Jepe, last night on "the new girl's" cell phone. Because of Jepe, everyone is calling me "New Girl's Name Here's Boy". And when Jepe gave the phone back to her, she said "Your boy wants to talk to you again". So, we're on the "your boy"/"your girl" basis now which is really cool. But, y'know, I'm not reading into this much or anything.

-Uber cool

Friday, August 23, 2002

More and more "whee" mixed with yet more hard liquor

I'm no alcoholic.. oh wait, isn't the first sign denial? Regardless, I haven't partied so much in such little time. 25% of the parties I've been to have been crammed into the last 2 weeks. There's another one happening tomorrow, what with it being my Dad's girlfriend's birthday tomorrow.

Incoming news: I called "the new girl" and left my phone number on her voice mail. I just got a call back, she's driving around with one of her friends that I also met while camping. He gets on the phone and says "So, you know she's my girl, right?" Joking around or not, I don't know. Then supposedly jokingly he threatens to curb stomp me next time he sees me, so I just played along, jokingly. Then the girl gets back on the phone and says "you know he was joking right?" so I said "Yeah, I was playing along".

She did say, however, that he tried touching her boob and she didn't like it. The guy says "But you let him touch your boob" and she says "Yeah, but he had my permission". It's good I know there's nothing going on between those two, but still, I don't like being threatened. Nothing to worry about, I'm sure.

-Rabbit Punch: Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A B A Start
Not something you're used to

More of the relationship thing: girls are afraid of me. Girls are so used to dating assholes and people who don't care about the girl that when they find a guy like me, they draw a blank and freak out. That's what the 'new' girl told me tonight, after I asked her if that's what she's feeling. And this is all wierd again, because she's giving me the power to make the decision. I decided there's no need to rush things, we'll see more of each other in the next month.

I was told by her that she doesn't know what to make of me. Am I someone who's just going to be like the rest of the guys and end up fucking her over in the end? Maybe I just used her last night and don't want to think any more of it, thank you ma'am. Nah, that's not me and this is putting me in the awkward position. I didn't come out here, an hour from home, an hour and a half from where I'll be going to school, looking for a relationship. But the things I did last night aren't things I'd do with just any person. So I'll see her next week when we go Mini-golfing.

I'm innocent, she used that line a lot. Sure, I'm an 18 year old virgin with a wealth of knowledge in his head. But I'm innocent none-the-less and that's another heavy burden, I suppose, that she would have to wear. You don't know how many times in the last month I've heard "I don't want to hurt you", but I heard it again tonight. Thus my decision there's no need to rush things. I understand, though, since I'm not like most guys that the girl has no idea how I'd handle a big 'dilemna'. A dilemna like a situation where they'd 'hurt' me or something like that. Because I'm nice, and nobody likes to hurt a nice guy? Taken as a complement in either way.

-Should have kissed her goodnight

Thursday, August 22, 2002

Good Guy With A Good Head On His Shoulders

Last night / this morning was a whole lot of firsts for me. I won't go into detail with them, but it involves camping, a tent and a female. And yes, I'm still a virgin, but last night was the most fun I've ever had.

I got two hours sleep last night. I went to bed at 3am and nearly fell asleep at 8:30am. I *woke up* at 10:15am but only because the McDonalds food from the night before was being an asshole to my stomache. And in the 2 hours I slept, I actually slept 30 minutes of it, so I'm running on "low" right now.

Many firsts last night and it'll be the most memorable night in a long time.


Monday, August 19, 2002

A Little Bit More 'Whee' Mixed With Some Hard Liquor

Live for the moment, never take tomorrow into concideration until tomorrow comes... and you're dry heaving over the toilet of someone else's house. So I'll stick around here at my sister's place for a few more hours, re-cooping, before I call up my friends and visit more people. After that I think I'll go home and eat food.

Wednesday I'll be back here, camping. Whee. Sucks that the person I'm here to see, she's working that night. But camping should be fun.

-McDonalds food is the best

Sunday, August 18, 2002

Party Party

Ok, so maybe it's just a bunch of family sitting around drinking listening to music. I've called a friend and she's coming over to take me out drinking, on a Sunday night. Fun stuff. So she should be here any time, and I'll go out where-ever people go on a Sunday night. "We're only making plans for Nigel. Nigel's future is as good as sealed."

-Everybody smokes dope, it's alright
-I haven't

I want one of those, where a bunch of people sit around and play video games all day long and get paid for it.

-Gamer's wrist
