Weekend Synopsis
Heh, technical name More like: This is what happened on my weekend. Anyway, this
is what happened on my weekend. Thursday I went to the theatre and saw Resident Evil. That movie is the best game-movie conversion I've ever seen. It was so beautiful I nearly had tears in my eyes at times. Who cares about the the CGI (computer generated imagery), all we want to see are corny zombies chomping on people. However, it did look great. The genetic mutants were... well, kinda dumb. They shouldn't have been included and should have instead been substituted by a different type of virus that mutates upon contact -- I won't give away the movie now.
Friday: It was a good day Friday. I went skiing with my sister and her boyfriend. It's a great thing that I live so close to one of BC's best
ski hills. My second time skiing, ever, and I kicked ass. Summit hill, I own you.
Friday night, we all got pizza and rented movies.
Training Day rawks.
Artificial Intelligence rawks.
Evolution is ok. Saturday I woke up and came home, sat around doing geek stuff. I'm 8 trophies away from having every trophy in Super Smash Brothers Melee and it's getting irritating getting every last one. So I've been doing that for a while. Sunday, I sat around home all day while my Dad was at some banquet. Today... today's today. Who knows what I'll be doing today.