Saturday, April 20, 2002

Sleep deprivation Hallucination

So's I'm driving home tonight after visiting some friends out of town. It's 1:45am on the way home, I'm in the middle of town, the streets are dead. I'm a zombie behind the wheel, dead tired, but aware enough to drive - or so I thought. I glance up and see the light turn yellow, so I slow down and stop the car. There's a vehicle in the oncoming traffic who runs the red light. I glance up and it's green. Did I gap out? I don't think so, my foot would've fallen off the clutch. Sleep deprivation hallucination.

I'm almost home, I'm at another intersection but this time the light is green. I know for a fact it's green, I can go, it's green. I checked twice, three times. It's green. Then why is there a guy walking at the crosswalk only 70 feet ahead of me while I'm doing 60 mph? I glance up, the light is green, I can go. It's green. I still don't know why he didn't run out of the way :-/

-makes you think something bad happened, dunnit?

Friday, April 19, 2002

Late Night Ramblings

I have to wake up in 8 hours (regular sleep length) and drive my Dad into town so he can pick up a vehicle.

Ari talked me into playing Diablo 2 LoD today. After my stint with DungeonSiege, I notice Diablo2 is a lot faster, the characters anyway. I found myself wanting to hit the health and mana hot keys a lot. Of course, since it's Diablo 2, there are no health and mana hot keys, only belt slots. That and I wanted to rotate the screen, too. Other than those two nuances, I was back into Diablo 2. At least for tonight, or whenever someone else is in a game and wants me to play, too.

TWD, a resident misunderstood jackass of BeyondUnreal Forums (link to the left), still holds ownership to #bad in ETG. I demand he pays child support, or at least gives me visitation rights. In fact, I might just null our little arrangement with the help of an ETG admin. Yeah, take #bad out of his name and put the ownership in my hands. It's ok if you don't understand what I'm talking about; I might explain some other time.

-I miss my youngest bro
-I guess I miss my other brother, too

Thursday, April 18, 2002

Progress Quest

After a two month break of not running Progress Quest, I've learned my lesson and will be backing up the save for my character on a regular basis. I had three L33T characters before hand. Wangus, WangBottom and WangDangle. I lost all three beyond repair when I shut down my computer without first exiting the PQ program. I have since learned to make regular backups, you can find my new character right here.

For the daily news, I woke up this morning and thought, "I'd like to go to school today". So I rushed upstairs, ate my breakfast at the table (I've eaten downstairs every morning since December - so you will notice this is a new thing). I then got in and out of the shower as quickly as possible. Then I got caught in a tangled mess with my computer for 30 minutes this morning, longer than I thought I'd be. Soon after (about 12:30) I was out the door and heading into town. I stopped at The Violin Shop to buy (non-impulsively) a guitar strap. Something I've been meaning to buy since last summer but never got around to it. When I finally made it to school, I was ready to do two or three tests. Yeah right, it took me 2 hours 25 minutes to finish one test. That was enough for me. So I'll be going back into town in an hour or so to get started on test #2 of the day, Chapter 4 of Principles Math 11. I kind of cringe when I see "Math 11" because technically, I'm in the 13th grade. I graduated last year and I'm smarter than this, it's proven that I'm smarter. Just goes to show what a year off school can do to a person's brain.

-this is your brain on dog food

Wednesday, April 17, 2002

Damned Albertan Rednecks (not all)

This is the story all about how my Dad got cut off in traffic down town etc. My Dad's in the far right corner of two lanes going into town. The rednecks in their truck should have been in the left lane, but were instead in the middle of two lanes all throughout the corner. So my Dad lays on the horn, but they stay in the middle lane (and this is why it's a well known fact Albertan drivers suck a large amount of bullcock when it comes to driving). After the corner, they are back in the left lane. Both the rednecks and my Dad are side by side at the intersection, so my Dad shakes his fist (or flips them the bird) to let them know he thinks they are both dumb asses.

My Dad takes a right to go into the mall parking lot where he can take money out of the bank. The two rednecks follow him into the parking lot. My Dad's about to go into the bank, the passenger comes yelling at him "why'd you finger me, I wasn't driving". Well, the obvious reason would be "because you were the closest to me, dumbass". My Dad said something like that, and he could see the guy was ready to take a swing. Dad dodges and begins pummelling on the guys stomach. The driver comes out, starts swinging at my Dad, so Dad whoops on him, too. They both walk away, then one guy turns around, comes back. Dad engages him, then he gets sucker punched from behind by the second guy. Dad turns around, the guy runs away and trips. Dad runs up and kicks him in the ass while he's down. By that time, someone had run over to break it up. It was some big guy from the gas station in the parking lot. The end, the rednecks ran away before the big guy came over. All that happened to my Dad was a redmark on the front of his face from being sucker punched and he's got a foot print on the front of his shirt, but he doesn't know how it got there.

I'm compulsive/impulsive

adj.1: Psychology. Caused or conditioned by compulsion or obsession.
n.1: A person with behavior patterns governed by a compulsion.
adj.2: caused by or suggestive of psychological compulsion; "compulsive drinking" 2: strongly motivated to succeed
n.2: A person with a compulsive disposition; someone who feels compelled to do certain things

adj. Characterized by impulsiveness or acting on impulse: an impulse shopper; impulse buying.
n.A sudden wish or urge that prompts an unpremeditated act or feeling; an abrupt inclination: had an impulse to run away; an impulse of regret that made me hesitate; bought a hat on impulse.

Wonder if that's a bad thing? I bought my GameCube on impulse. I figured, "Hey, I just got fired and I want to spend my money. Oh, look at this, this would be great to play with my friends" and I dropped 500 Canadian dollars on my complete set-up. I believe that I impulsively wanted to buy a Sum41 concert ticket. Today I then proceeded to change my mind of spending $35 on the Sum41 concert ticket, and decided, because of a discussion of old comic books, that I'd rather pay $45 for "The Secret Wars" marvel comic collection book. So tonight, I'm reading through GameSpy and see a review of 007: Agent Under Fire for the Xbox. Then I think "Hey, I should buy that for my GameCube. I was waiting a month until after it was out, anyway. Yeah, I'll do that instead of buying a Sum41 ticket or Comic Book". I heard 007: Agent Under Fire was an excellent game, I might as well get that if I can.

As for the compulsion, that comes after the impulse. For example, I was reading through an online comic, 8-Bit Theatre when I impulsively decided I needed to make a Black Mage in 3D. Then my compulsive self kicked into high gear and I decided I had to finish the model all in one sitting. Once I've got my mind set on something, it's rare that I don't carry it through.

-good or bad?

Monday, April 15, 2002

I'm rich

$40 was what I earned today. And a Snickers candy bar as a "tip" so my Aunty says. That's $90 in two weeks, almost $20 more than what I was earning bi-weekly at my highschool job two years ago. My Uncle wants me back next week to help him build the fence we tore apart.

-The loneliest rich kid in the world
Not a good day

Lately I've turned into one of the typical post-highschool guys who falls asleep way too late and wakes up around noon. Noon = between 10 and 12. This morning was a particularly nasty morning. I wake up to my Dad knocking on my bedroom door telling me to wake up (which never happens but I'd appreciate it if he actually took charge of something in my life and started giving me shit about something. I almost get away with murder here). Oh, yeah; anyway. He tells me my Uncle phoned and wants me at his house for 12 noon. "Damn!" I think, he could have given me a couple days notice. He wants to cut down more trees and then rip out the fence in his yard. I have to be there to help, partly because I want to (but I wish I had more notice) and partly because I'll get at least $30 out of it. I hope, rolling out of bed with a bleeding nose (yes, I rolled over and blood came pouring out my nose) had better warrant at least $30 for the day starting off bad already.

-man of steel
Happy Birthday

My Grandma turns 70 years old today, Monday, not Friday. Happy birthday and thanks for all your baking. May you live 70 years more. My Grandpa turns 75 years old some time this year, too. I figured he was in his 60s 0_o

I'm back now from my Grandma's birthday party. It was over at 6pm, but I stuck around at my cousin's house watching movies with friends until 12(am?). Time to go watch some pr0n and think of dumbass stuff to do. CKY2k has inspired me.

