.kicking rocks in parking lots
stubbed my toe
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Trying to use Google Maps to find a cheap-ass motel w/in walking distance of the Washington State Convention and Trade Center.
Dear Futureshop. Tabula Rasa no longer exists commercially. Please stop selling it. KThxBye.
Slowly mirroring a site with wget, realizing now that a 7-second delay between pages is going to take forever. smrt.
Dancing with the Stars starts Monday. Am looking forward to seeing The Woz cut a rug.
Home from a great night of 5-player Killer Bunnies and 2-player "Dev Kit" and icecream cake for all.
Friday, March 06, 2009
Played with XBMC enough. Going to give MythTV a try now. It has vastly lower requirements.
Home now, recharging and getting ready for the WEEKEND. Killer Bunnies and icecream cake in 6 hours! w00t!
Sweet treat for a Friday afternoon. Given a curry chicken lunch and then sent home with pay :)
Mouth watering over the curry chicken some coworkers are cooking for the office. Hooray for Fridays.
Totally wicked, and awesome, Comic Book Reader that I'd buy if I had the cash. @BryanLAS gives us Radical Codex http://ping.fm/raR14
Loving TuxRadar. It's a powerhouse of helpful Linux user tips. http://ping.fm/XTEYX
Once again Canada gets the shaft. Still no Amazon MP3 store in Canada. Incredibad for $1.99? http://ping.fm/wXjnq
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Unfortunately, no midnight showing of The Watchmen here. I know my boss would understand if I slogged into work tomorrow.
Kickin' it with Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Heh. Hot Topic at work today is Facebook trying to emulate Twitter. Hello, Facebook? How do think I'm updating my status this very moment?
Nifty-do! Unreal Tournament 3 free-play weekend on Steam. Starting now.
Thinking that since the snow/ice is almost gone that it might be nice to rejoin the UBC-O Aikikai Society.
Writing a review of the "Pink Godzilla Dev Kit". 4 of 5 stars. Great game. The missing star? That star is taken seriously >_<
Anxiously awaiting "Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne", by BioWare's David Gaider, to finally arrive at my local Coles bookstore.
Chair-rawking to Gob - Foot in Mouth Disease. Music to wake up to. (At work).
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Going to play a little "Earthbound" and head to sleep listening to "Coraline". I'm second in line now at the library for the book.
Dreading having to do my taxes. Taxes are like homework for adults and I never paid anyone to do my homework.
$32,000 in Canada could get you a Bachelor of Science. I read in Finland you can attend University for free.
My Wife has Oprah on the TV right now. How the crap can American's put up with a $160,000 price tag for a University degree?
I loved PuzzleQuest: Warlords. Really looking forward to PuzzleQuest: Galactrix.
My mistake. Turns out ReadAir does tell Google Reader what you've read... I just had another session open in a browser after ReadAir closed.
Whoops. An unfortunate FAIL to ReadAir is that it does't communicate to GoogleReader when an item has been read.
Whoa, ReadAir is nifty. It's a newsreader built on Adobe Air that feeds off GoogleReader.
@wilw tweet'd about playing Data in the new StarTrek, so that's pretty cool. @BrentSpiner confirms. Time for me to get some sleep. G'night.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
This month's hi-res (and low-res) Linux Format magazine available free (torrent). http://ping.fm/bbHCb
The latest newstand issue of Linux Format magazine, available FREE for 24 hours, starting midnight tonight. http://ping.fm/bbHCb
Mucking about with file upload/database insertion. Zzz.
Happy Square Root Day!
Monday, March 02, 2009
Just registered two passes for PAX2009 (Penny Arcade Expo for Twitter tagging search purposes).
Seeing something like jClassicRPG makes me feel fuzzy inside. I still love Java. http://ping.fm/yUbWS
Planting another colony in Ikariam. I hope I'm doing this right. (Iota server).
Threw together a new welcome page http://n3wt0n.com/
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Just picked up "Just for Fun" from the library. It's a bio of Linus Torvalds. Excellent read.
(:Want MC Lars newest album & Rolling Doubles & Final Boss & Childs Play Charity CD :)
Drinking a Yellowtail merlot and kicking butt at QuakeLive.
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