Saturday, February 16, 2002

You know what? GameCube owns j0or nutz!!!11

Go buy one now, if you're still undecided over a PS2 or X-Box. GCN is cheap and their a buttload of games being released next month and the rest of Quarter 2. The games I'm most interested in playing are Super Mokey Ball (though I still haven't rented or bought it), Legend of Zelda GC, Star Fox Adventures: Dinosaur Planet, Metroid Prime (November release) and Phantasy Star Online v2.0 ,which, according to this here at GameSpy, it should have been released yesterday. But the dumbass' must have typo'd it because I've found no confirmation that it's actually out.

So if you're itching to get a next generation console, get the good old Nintendo for 30% cheaper than the PS2 or X-Box and enjoy yourself loads of fun with Super Smash Brothers Melee (excellent party game) and Super Monkey Ball (another excellent party game).
