Friday, March 15, 2002

Happy Birthday to my youngest sister, Nykol. She's a whole 21 years old today.
What did I do today? I found my Tie Fighter CD today. I was thinking it was X-Wing VS Tie-Fighter but I was wrong. It's not as good as I remember it. Today I downloaded a (currently) free MMORPG. It's called El Kardian which plays kind of like Ragnarok Online but with 3D models, and the game seems a bit slower, though you do level up faster.
Um, I think that's it. I watched StarWars Ep4 for the first time ever, last night, and I watched Ep5 for the first time ever, today. Going to the theatre to see Resident Evil is on my list of things to do. The end.

Thursday, March 14, 2002

Matt Casamassina's first Memory Card sparked this little bit from me in IRC. I was totally unaware of this. Here's the conversation that follows. (Edited, of course. Not for content, but for structure)

{WiLD2> :O There's a sticker that comes with the GameCube memory card 59?!?!
* WiLD2 runs to the garbage pile in his room
{WiLD2> Whoa, there is a sticker for the GCN memory card
{WiLD2> good thing I never threw out the plastic packaging, I'd never have found the sticker then
* Peph wonders how long ago you bought it
{WiLD2> December 31
{Peph> lol
{Peph> You mean, you have to clean your bathroom like every 2 weeks but you haven't cleaned your room since December?
{WiLD2> I clean my bedroom regularly, but there's one corner of my room I just throw stuff. Not necessariy garbage that becomes biological waste (because donuts dry out and don't become toxic), but it is stuff that should get thrown in the garbage, probably.

So, no I really didn't know that there was a sticker for the Memory card. I picked the plastic packaging (still 80% sealed) and there it was, right up by the hole the metal hanger thingy pokes through. The sticker was (and still is) hidden inside the plastic packaging. This thing has reached relic status and I'm afraid to pull it out of it's plastic casing for Ph34r of breaking some sacriligeous taboo (which I just made up, minus the religious part). Ah hell, I want to put this thing on my Memory card.

* WiLD tears open the package to get at the sticker.
{WiLD2> JOY!!! There's TWO stickers!!!!!!


But wait! There's more!

{Peph> :)
{Peph> What do these stickers look like anyway?
{WiLD2> Like that
{Peph> lol
{WiLD2> w00t, perfect application
{Peph> do they have different colored ones?
{WiLD2> mine is on straight, if a little to the left
{WiLD2> both grey, like that
{Peph> :(
{WiLD2> but there's probably colored stickers
{WiLD2> there is colored cards
{WiLD2> Uh oh, putting the long skinny sticker on the end of this is going to be tricky
{Peph> heehee
{WiLD2> :-/ a near perfect execution. At least it's still in the depression ;-)
* WiLD2 labels this card "A"

-The Real End

Wednesday, March 13, 2002

[3/13/2002 1:11:11 AM | WiLD2 ]
I read throught most of the comics I read through (10 comics) but I stopped after I had read through Penny-Arcade and all it's fun filled rants. I got so sidetracked after reading their news, I ended up reading two game reviews, I downloaded EditPlus (which I haven't used yet, though I probably should try). I then downloaded a movie (linked from P-A) of "Japangrish vs Bill Gates" in which Bill is asked questions by Japanese students and he tries to understand them as best he can. He also kicks some guys ass in Project Gotham Racing, head to head with a teenager.

That's my update, it's too late for much else.

(disregard the following time. It's a lie! ALL LIES!)
I upgraded to WinXP yesterday morning, from WinME, for the second time in two months. Upon doing so, Trend's PC-Cillin (again, I'm too lazy to post links, so just google it) stopped working. I was only 10 days into my 30 day trial (if that). So I downloaded it again, figuring "What the hell, it'll install again, won't it?"
Well, the fscking program didn't install again. After numerous downloads/attempted reinstalls, it would always come up with "MSIV Error Copying Files" or some such thing. So I thought to myself "Hey, self, why not edit the registry and take the image out of there". So I tried, and I couldn't find anything doing with Trend or PC-Cillin. Crap on that, a friend suggested a free Anti-Virus program. AVG. I'm guessing it means Anti-Virus... G. So I'll give that a whirl.

I haven't played Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction for the passed two months, and something clicked in my head {Your characters/accounts are deleted after 90 days of inactivity} so I reinstalled Diablo 2 and LoD (all 1.73 GB of it) just to play 20 seconds of each character. Well, I did do one Meph run with my lvl 83 Sorc, Matriarch SRC_WiLD, and I did the beginnings of a Bloody run with my Lvl 68 Assassin, Matriarch ASN_WiLD; both US West. Two accounts on US West, one on US East, secured for another 90 days.

I got Monster Rancher Advance this morning, I played it for almost an hour, maybe more. Anyway, in game time I played for a year and a half. My tablet word was "WaNG" spelled exactly like that, and I came out with Nessie the Loch Ness Monster. Oh, speaking of which, I'll have to ask my Scottish friend(s) if the Loch Ness Monster is supposed to look like a freaking blue/white seal with a long neck. Hrm, speaking of which, I want to get back to playing that. I'm ranked "B" thus you must Ph34r me. Now all I need is a GBA and a link cable and a certain game for my GameCube and I'll be technologically set.

Tuesday, March 12, 2002

You know, this is turning out to be one of those "monthly" things. You don't read this, I know you don't. You don't either, and unless you do read this, then there's no point in posting here, really. Happy birthday to my brother, Jiro. He's a whole 17 years old today.

Oh yeah, props, no.... mad props, to the new Blogger settings, this is really cool. I can wank and type at the same time and it's all because of you!

Worms Armageddon... I had my ass handed to me today by a girl. Pephemiemie, you really know how to play with your worm.
Advance Wars... (... is such a cool word!!! ... see) This is a really cool game. I have accomplished a rating of 96 points thus far, and am in possession of the Grey Rat medal. Ph34r me!!!
Um, I started playing Final Fantasy 5 again (arguably the best FF of the series. And if you don't agree with me, that's because it's arguably the best and what you say doesn't matter to me). I played it once before but I lost my save file just as I was going to the second world (about 40 hours of play time lost). So I'm playing again, yeah.
Serious Sam The First Encounter is a rux0r game, buy it now for the already discount price (The Second Encounter is really cheap, too).

Oh, IGN dot com is really starting to piss people off. Boycott them; or something. Refuse to pay, I deal with it, and it really sucks. What the hell? Only allowed "X" number of picture downloads before they lock that ability for the day. Llamas.

Is this the monster post yet? Resident Evil the MOVIE is only 3 days away. Mila Jovavich is a goddess, The Fifth Element (still my favorite movie) is proof, and she'll kick some zombie ass come this weekend. Blade 2 is 10 days away. Ari, you reading this yet? I'll kick your ass in the next game of Worms! I really will... or I'll try, anyway. Oh, who am I kidding, you'll win.
The end.

Oh yeah (attention deficite disorder much?) This sytem will (or does?) really sucks. It's Korean only right now and it can stay that way. It's no substitute for the GameBoy Advance, especially since the GBA is so much cheaper and superior.
The real end.
