Wednesday, April 17, 2002

I'm compulsive/impulsive

adj.1: Psychology. Caused or conditioned by compulsion or obsession.
n.1: A person with behavior patterns governed by a compulsion.
adj.2: caused by or suggestive of psychological compulsion; "compulsive drinking" 2: strongly motivated to succeed
n.2: A person with a compulsive disposition; someone who feels compelled to do certain things

adj. Characterized by impulsiveness or acting on impulse: an impulse shopper; impulse buying.
n.A sudden wish or urge that prompts an unpremeditated act or feeling; an abrupt inclination: had an impulse to run away; an impulse of regret that made me hesitate; bought a hat on impulse.

Wonder if that's a bad thing? I bought my GameCube on impulse. I figured, "Hey, I just got fired and I want to spend my money. Oh, look at this, this would be great to play with my friends" and I dropped 500 Canadian dollars on my complete set-up. I believe that I impulsively wanted to buy a Sum41 concert ticket. Today I then proceeded to change my mind of spending $35 on the Sum41 concert ticket, and decided, because of a discussion of old comic books, that I'd rather pay $45 for "The Secret Wars" marvel comic collection book. So tonight, I'm reading through GameSpy and see a review of 007: Agent Under Fire for the Xbox. Then I think "Hey, I should buy that for my GameCube. I was waiting a month until after it was out, anyway. Yeah, I'll do that instead of buying a Sum41 ticket or Comic Book". I heard 007: Agent Under Fire was an excellent game, I might as well get that if I can.

As for the compulsion, that comes after the impulse. For example, I was reading through an online comic, 8-Bit Theatre when I impulsively decided I needed to make a Black Mage in 3D. Then my compulsive self kicked into high gear and I decided I had to finish the model all in one sitting. Once I've got my mind set on something, it's rare that I don't carry it through.

-good or bad?

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