Saturday, May 04, 2002

The Morrowind of the story

Yessum! I bought Morrowind and have thoroughly enjoyed it since I bought it 36 hours ago. My first character was an Illusionist Mage, but I strayed to the Destructive side. I think I'll scrap him and start a true Destructive mage soon. My second character which I started this morning is an Assassin-Thief variant. Great with acrobatics, good with athletics, great with small blades, good with ranged skills. A very sneaky character, I often steal stuff from shop keepers whilst they aren't looking and I sell them back. I was only caught once when I tried selling a basket back to a shopkeep, he said "That basket is mine. What have you got to say?" and his fondness of me went down from 46 to 45 of 100. No big deal, and he didn't call the guards on me. Now, if I can find a mage with 60,000 gold or better, I'll be rich. I stole a 60,000$ soul gem from a mage apprentice, but most shop keepers only have 800 gold on them, so I can't sell it yet.

Time to sneak through the town some more and loot some more stuff. I just hope I won't get caught later on; meaning I don't get caught right away, I hope the shopkeeps don't put 2 and 2 together and come after me. I'll be forced to whoop some ass, instead of hiding in shadows.


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