That's not an edited image. What you're looking at is a Robe that restores 15 health per second, when damaged, and 15 fatigue per second. I can hold myself under water until I run out of breath and I don't die, I don't even notice the health bar diminishing.
Sound too good to be true? It probably is; it sounds too good for me. Must be a bug, and if it's not, then I'm extremely lucky to have found it. It must be as rare as an icicle in satans ass. Eww, I don't know where I came up with that metaphor.
Here's where I found it: The Daedric Shrine on one of the two islands immediately south-east of Seyda Neen, the city you start in. You'll encounter Fire Atriarchs, some Cthulu looking baddie, Corprus dudes and Ash Slaves. I had to use two icarian scrolls of flight to get to the end of the dungeon; however, I suppose I could have gotten away with using one if I had gone the right way. Hrm, you might also want to bring the six ash statues found in the wrecked ship near Hla Oad. I saw that six were missing from inside the dungeon. Wonder what would happen if they were put back? I don't know, I sold mine long ago -- stupid me. Anyway, when you're at the end of the dungeon, look up at a 45* angle away from the back of the dungeon. You'll see where you need to go. Potions of Levetation do the trick and are probably preferable over Icarian Flight.
-True RPG, better than just treasure hunting
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