Days Go Bye
It's been 21 days since I got my first email from my girl in Winnipeg. 21 days... that's a long time. You can go through rehab in the same amount of time, right? Like that Sandra Bullock movie where she's in the clinic for alcoholism. What was the name of the movie? "21 Days" I think. Yeah, so it's been at least 21 days since the first email, but not since the first time I ever saw her. Nor was it the first time I talked to her. And now there's 11 days, 11 nights until I'm there, in her arms, or something.
I just put on a, uh, what's the word for it? Tank top, but what a guy wears. Not an undershirt, so it's not a 'wife-beater' but it kinda looks like one. Either way, it's sized 'small'. Go figure if there's still room for me to grow into it. Though, this is Georgia. Anything sized 'small' is really meant 'small on a fat man'. Mmmm, greasy chicken. My preference? Non-greasy, boneless chicken.
I've got... I think I've got roughly 38 hours until I'm on my way, out of Georgia. So today it's already too late to get outside and lay out in the sun. My tan that I actually managed to maintain for more than 3 days, is starting to fade. So I'll sit outside tomorrow, trying to darken myself. And again, when I'm back home in Canada. I've got to look good for my girlfriend, don't you know. Now that puts a smile to my face when I think of that. Big ass grin. Ear to ear. Mmm, 11 days away.
Oh yeah... got side tracked again. Happy times, oh yes.
Main Entry: sur·re·al
Pronunciation: s&-'rE(-&)l, -'ri-&l also -'rA-&l
Function: adjective
Etymology: back-formation from surrealism
Date: 1937
1 : having the intense irrational reality of a dream
- sur·re·al·ly adverb
Main Entry: sur·re·al·is·tic
Pronunciation: -"rE-&-'lis-tik, -"ri- also -"rA-
Function: adjective
Date: 1925
1 : of or relating to surrealism
2 : having a strange dreamlike atmosphere or quality like that of a surrealist painting
- sur·re·al·is·ti·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb
Hrm... dreamlike state. Surrealsm while awake could be a good thing, right?
-Ever the one to count days
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