I forget
There was something on my mind, but I just don't think I could or should relay it over blogger.
-He must be serious
Hrm.. I could probably write a little bit to blow off some steam. I wonder how many couples there are in the world where the man is shorter than the woman. Danny DeVito is pretty short, though he doesn't make the best example. Sylvester Stallone is, he's a pretty good example. And now I'm out of examples.
How about this: Do I take things too seriously? I guess I look into things too much. Let me tell you a little about a relationship of mine that started over the internet last year. I had moved away from home, to Georgia, for my graduating year. After I graduated in Georgia, I was planning on making it home to BC, Canada in time for the school's graduation/prom ceremonies. Upon hearing so, a very close friend of mine set me up as a date with her best friend. Now, this was two or three months before I'd actually be back in BC. It was great for the first month. We talked about how we felt for each other. We made plans for the future. We really sounded like we were the perfect match. And because we sounded like the perfect match, I started getting into the relationship thing.
I frowned on internet relationships, but I figured that since I'd be seeing her in no time that it shouldn't matter. It would be like we knew each other in person before we had met, that sort of thing. Well, I guess I got into the relationship a little too much. And because I wasn't there to spend some actual time with her, she started looking elsewhere. An old crush of hers, an old friend of mine I hadn't talked to in a while, started taking her out. The girl never said they were dates. She just said that they were going out to the theatre. They were just going out to a party together. I believed her, mostly because she never said he was a crush of hers. That and I put faith in her, that she'd wait one more month until I'd be there in person and everything would be so much better.
Like I said, her crush started taking her out. She got interested in him and less interested in me. I had invested two months of my time so I could meet with her over chat. I think the last bit of our conversation together was something like this, though not word for word:
Me: So, what have you been up to?
Her: Just got back from (enter location here) with Chris
Me: Cool, how did that go?
Her: I like Chris
Me: Do what you want. I'm not there, so there's not much I can do
Her: I don't want to hurt you
Me: I called you my girlfriend
Her: Sorry for leading you on
The actual conversation probably lasted 30 to 60 minutes. That's pretty much the boiled down version of it. I did tell her I concidered her my girlfriend, she did say sorry for leading you on. Actually, those were there last words she said to me. And I did tell her that since I wasn't actually there with her, that she should do whatever she wanted to do. I don't wish that on anybody, nor do I ever want that to happen again.
I did end up going to the same prom as her, though I didn't go with her. When I got back to BC, I asked other people to their own prom; it wasn't my prom but I had a ticket. And all the people I asked I had known since 8th grade. When I hung out at the school the last week, I saw that girl. It was weird looking at her, and there was an akward 'cold' between us. I had nothing against her, though I probably had every reason to. She just didn't want to be my friend.
-You asked for the story
-I told it in part
-This is the full version
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