Friday, August 12, 2005


Back to the topic at hand

I'm moving. My girlfriend and I are getting out of our little apartment and are attempting to move into a little basement suite. The problem with moving is you've got to bring all the stuff you accumulated in your old place to your new place. And in our case, we now have two cats. It was simple enough to find a place beforehand, we just happened to move into an apartment that allows cats. Now, however, no-one wants to take these cats. Until today; I think I may have found a home for the four of us. A basement suite that has us pay 40% of the utilities and has a bath tub. We don't pay utilities where we're at, but I guess it's something we'll have to do if we want to bring the cats with us.

-Gotta grab more boxes this weekend

1 comment:

Stephanie Lau said...

Hey, good luck with the move. I hate the entire moving thing. It's even worse when you're moving back home, because you have all this stuff from your house that you have to reintegrate with all the stuff you had in your old house and there's not enough room for everything!!! D::: :
