Friday, June 28, 2002

Some people's children

I'd like to start off with a brief description of yesterday:
Great American Scream Machine: 10 minutes
Superman: 60 minutes
Freefall: 15 minutes
Georgia Cyclone: 10 minutes
Log Ride: 5 minutes
Georgian Scorcher: 10 minutes
De Ja Vu: 2 hours, which I wasn't going to wait for
Thunder River: 15 minutes
Ninja: 0 minutes
Acrophobia: 50 minutes
Mind Bender: 5 minutes
Looping Starship: 0 minutes
Batman: 10 minutes
Wheelia: 5 minutes
Most rides lasting less than 60 seconds: Priceless

I spent all day, from 11am to 8pm, yesterday at 6 Flags. It was a hell of a fun day, to say the least. I got to ride every ride there, save for De Ja Vu, which looks dumb anyway. I was ready to leave after 4pm, but my company didn't want to leave for a whole lot later than that. There was plenty of eye-candy to stare at, in the form of bikinis. Bright sun, to burn my skin to a crisp. It was a great day.

My mom talked to my sister about that hottie friend and it turns out my sister was telling the truth. The hottie friend likes me, or the way I was anyway. And the last time she saw me was two years ago. And how much can change in two years? I'll let you do the math. Regardless, if I ever get the chance, I'll treat her like a real lady.

And about the "some people's children" thing, it's pointed toward my (most of the time well-meaning) jackass of a brother. It must be the blonde roots or something, but really people who don't ask for excess information don't WANT IT. For example, when someone asked me how many children my mother has... Well, I'd have said "Five. Three older daughters, then myself and lastly, my brother". But Nooooooooo. My brother has to say "Seven, but two were miscarriages".

-I'm ridiculed in everything I do
