Saturday, May 04, 2002

Fathers, hide your daughters

WiLD pr0n

-uh huh uh huh uh huh
The Morrowind of the story

Yessum! I bought Morrowind and have thoroughly enjoyed it since I bought it 36 hours ago. My first character was an Illusionist Mage, but I strayed to the Destructive side. I think I'll scrap him and start a true Destructive mage soon. My second character which I started this morning is an Assassin-Thief variant. Great with acrobatics, good with athletics, great with small blades, good with ranged skills. A very sneaky character, I often steal stuff from shop keepers whilst they aren't looking and I sell them back. I was only caught once when I tried selling a basket back to a shopkeep, he said "That basket is mine. What have you got to say?" and his fondness of me went down from 46 to 45 of 100. No big deal, and he didn't call the guards on me. Now, if I can find a mage with 60,000 gold or better, I'll be rich. I stole a 60,000$ soul gem from a mage apprentice, but most shop keepers only have 800 gold on them, so I can't sell it yet.

Time to sneak through the town some more and loot some more stuff. I just hope I won't get caught later on; meaning I don't get caught right away, I hope the shopkeeps don't put 2 and 2 together and come after me. I'll be forced to whoop some ass, instead of hiding in shadows.


Friday, May 03, 2002

Obsessive Gaming

Morrowind is now in my possession

-Game Time

Thursday, May 02, 2002

Suck to the stuff

OK, I called around to EB Games, Radio Shack and Wal*Mart, in that order, and nobody has Morrowind. The assistant manager of EB says the game will be in tomorrow with the morning shipment, but I don't trust that bastage >_< he never hired me when I applied there months ago. Guess it's just because I'm over qualified for the job. If all goes well, I'll be adventuring all night tomorrow, after I get back from the theatre and Spiderman, right? Right!

-Addicted, or some such thing
Small Break

I've got the Lord of the Rings novel from my friend, who I also borrowed his PS2 from, but he's got my GameCube now. Morrowind is also supposed to have been released upon the North American public today. Barring only reviews, I'll see in a few days whether or not I buy this game. It could tide me over until the release of Neverwinter Nights, and then again, it could make me overlook NwN completely -- all depending, which is to be expected. And since I'll be house sitting for my grandparents this weekend, and pounding fence posts for my Uncle, I should come back at least $60 richer, the game being $75 most likely.

-Bored to hell and back

Tuesday, April 30, 2002

Camping is done

And that doesn't sound like it went too well. It was great, I had fun. But no where, any time, was I told any money would be coming out of my own pocket. That's why I brought my own food, right? Yeah, that's right. I packed my own food and my own drinks. So why, then, didn't anyone tell me before I left that I'd have to pay for the food I'd eat while camping? I had my own food to eat, but everyone pushed their food down my throats. Not that I said "No thanks, I think I'll eat my own food", because I would have rather eaten their food. But if I had been told, "Those two eggs, two sausages and two slices of bread you just ate cost you $5" I'd be like "fucking hell no it doesn't". So out of these meals, it cost me $25: [thin steak with mashed potatoes], [4 pieces of French Toast with two sausages (of which there were leftovers)], [two burgers], [spaghetti (plenty left over)] and finally [two eggs, two sausages and two slices of bread]. As for liquids, I mostly drank water and my 5 cans of diet cola nobody would touch. Now I'm kind of bitter, because everyone else ate much more than I did, I'd have been quite happy only owing $15.

-I'm upside down
