Saturday, November 03, 2001

The fish I bought two weeks ago is dead; or almost there any way. I'm sure if I poke him, he'd swim around before going belly up again. Good thing about working in a pet store is the 40% discount I get on all items in the store. That's a cheap $0.55 goldfish withouth the discount. I don't know why he died, he's in a 10 gallon tank by himself and doesn't get over fed. I've seen him eat his food once (but only that one time) and if he's starved to death, it's his own damn stupid fault :-D
Alright, today was a good day. I got to visit my sister and found out she's moving to the city I live in. I figured since I was already in town, I may as well stop in at work, Sharla asked for my help so I got a 6 hour shift in today. Didn't get a break, though, but that's ok 'cause Subway is only a block away. Loaded Original Pizza subs own you! Come to think of it, that was the only thing I ate today.

More dumb stuff from a 17 year old version of myself that the 27 year old version my myself is not proud of.
-27 year old me

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