Monday, May 17, 2004

I present to you

An unnamed poem (EDIT: I'd like to name the poem "Keep Digging" -WiLD2)
-By WiLD2

Once upon a long time ago
there lived a Man who owned a hole.
He dug and dug and dug each day
until the time He could finally say,
"Why was that hole I dug so deep?
I'm way down low and I've got to keep
my head on straight and my shoes on tight
as I settle down for tonight, tonight."
And He went to sleep when the very next day
He awoke again with a yawn to say,
"I'll scratch my belly and then my bum
as it appears the dawn has early come.
The question is why I've done this so
to dig myself my very own hole?
I'll lay down now, close my eyes and rave.
It appears I've dug my very own grave."

-Thank you

While at work
I've finally shown off some of my cunning lingualism. I know it'd shown a long absence. I'm at work right now, programming and such, but I had to take a break and get my mind off track. You know, for some creativity. I hope you enjoyed the poem, I found it rather witty.

-Nutty like a log after christmas

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