Friday, July 26, 2002

Watches and Stuff

I put my friend's songs to CD, so now I can sell the CD for him sort of as a salesperson... yeah. Oh! My Dad came home today with another watch from his boss. His boss goes through watches like crazy, and Dad always gets them used, from his boss. So today the watch came to me, it's all fancy with it's peace-sign hour hand and glow in the dark paint on the hands and numbers. I couldn't have gotten this watch a moment too soon, seeing how I've needed one since December.

Tonight, I go out for dinner. It's with my Mom and Dad and Dad's bosses family. Something fancy, or mexican. Whatever, either is good enough for me. Dinner wasn't supposed to be until late tonight, like 8pm EST or even later but... Yeah, it's a Friday and somebody got the bright idea that we should all go out early to beat the rush of Friday night diners. If that's the case, I might miss chatting with.. let's call her "jolie". That's a lot better than having to make up descriptions all the time. So if I go out early tonight, I'll miss chatting with "jolie" before she goes on her camping trip.

I leave at 7am tomorrow morning to "get the hell out of dodge", on my way back home to Canada. 4 days of driving, I'll be back Wednesday morning. It'll be a long drive, and I'll be missing everyone like crazy. Just hope there's electricity at the campgrounds we'll be staying at. I've got batteries that'll need daily recharging for my MP3 player. Oh, speaking of which, I've got one more CD to make, but I need all the music first... I'll go do that now.

-Songs that remind me of her

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