Saturday, May 11, 2002


I'm back a day early from camping, and just as well anyway. It was costing my Dad $20 a night to have me there, so I only stayed one night. I was following my cousin's girlfriend back today, and she in turn was following my cousin. They were going too slow for my liking so 5 minutes into the drive back (along the dirt road) I stopped my car completely. I gave them a 30 second start on me, could have been more, could have been less. Judging by the (fun) results I wasn't thinking right. They were doing 50km/h down the road, I was doing 65. Not much of a difference, really, but it was enough to catch up to them. So I was going around the corners all sliding and having fun when I get out of a corner onto a straight stretch of road and my car starts to slip on loose gravel. Doesn't sound exciting to you but when I was nearly run off the road twice within 5 seconds, it was lots of fun for me :)

Yesterday was a lot of moping around, and eating, and not doing much else in general. Today was a "study" day, where I spent most of the day reading through my math work. Then I just decided to come home, here I am. The end

-Master Story Teller With Capital Words

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