Sunday, May 12, 2002


Yup, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; the only days of school I've got left before I'm off to Georgia. 4 days to cram Chapter tests 7 through 10 and write the exam... I might be able to pull it off.
Monday: School, college appointment, dentist appointment. Chapter 7 written today, finish Chapter 8.
Tuesday: School, school etc. Finish and write Chapter 8 test and possibly 9. Get started on Chapter 10.
Wednesday: Finish Chapter 10, maybe write the test. Spend tonight reviewing Chapters 1 through 10 for tomorrow's exam, if I've gone according to this plan.
Thursday: Write the Exam -- Or Write Chapter 10 and the exam. Depends on what I've got left.
So that's my little schedule, which is very tough. I'm trying to cram two weeks of work into 4 days, it IS possible because school opens at 9am and is open until 9pm every day, except Monday (closes at 4:30) and Friday, closes at 12. So I won't be going to school Friday. That day I'll be on my way to Banff, hopefully.

If I miss any of my tests and whatnot in the next 4 days then I'll hopefully be able to cram them into June 24 and 25. Doubtful, though, because those days are report card/grading days. I don't think they'd appreciate me writing tests when they're finishing up the year already.

-Thanks Mom

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